By Mark Inboden

Mark Inboden

Mark Inboden

I was copied on several emails this a.m. addressed to “UCEC Team." I thought this was really cool! This started when we had missed an email with a PO several months back. In order to lessen the chance of this happening again, we asked that several people be copied on orders going forward. Instead of addressing each of us individually, it was very flattering to have our customer think of us as a Team.  

It might sound corny, but the  acronym TEAM - Together Everyone Achieves More, actually works. There will be times when a Team member is traveling, sick, or “not firing on all cylinders” and can find solace in knowing that another member of their Team will be there to take care of their job or the customer needing help.  

Say hello to some valuable members of "Team UCEC"!

Say hello to some valuable members of "Team UCEC"!

I know that whether I am in the office or not, that there are capable people on my team treating customers the way they need to be treated. Sometimes the “corny’ or “cliche” one-word acronyms like TEAM really do make a difference. Ask yourself this week if your customers view your company as a team. If not, it’s not too late to build one!

Mark is President and CEO of UCEC. 








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